We’re updating our Tape Sync Rates in line with AIR and TSU recommendations. ... more
In the last month, I have been happy to see the official launch of the Community Broadcasters Foundation of Canada (CBFC), a foundation years in the making created specifically to support community media organizations like CHLY 101.7FM. ... more
CHLY 101.7FM is excited to host the 43 NCRC at the Nanaimo campus of Vancouver Island University! Executive Director and Station Manager Jesse Woodward is looking forward to hosting conference participants from across Canada over the three days of the conference. ... more
Executive Director and Station Manager Jesse Woodward is excited to announce the hiring of LJI Reporter Heather Watson in the Comox Valley, and a new collaboration between CHLY 101.7FM and online-only community radio station CVOX. ... more
On December 3rd, 1997, a group of passionate community members came together to create the Radio Malaspina Society, the foundation of our station, which would go to air 4 years later on October 5th, 2001 as CHLY 101.7FM. For 27 years, we’ve worked to bring Nanaimo and other communities on the Salish Sea music, news, and programming that amplify the voices of our communities. ... more